
导读 大家好,我是小科,我来为大家解答以上问题。刘显的妻子,刘显南昌人文言文翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、刘显,南昌人...



2、  Liu

3、 Xian, nanchang people, born brawn, a literal. Fourteen years jiajing

4、mountain, yibin seedlings, the governor zhang made to beg for it. Show

5、the army lead, hand killed more than 50 people, tackled transgressions,

6、three. The show is well-known.

7、  后迁参将,分守苏、松。倭犯江北,逼泗洲,鏊檄显防浦口。显测贼将遁,追击至安东。方暑,披单衣,率四骑诱贼,伏精甲冈下。贼出,斩一人。所乘马中矢,下拔其镞,射杀追者,诱至冈下,大败之去。明日伺贼出,潜毁其舟。贼败走舟,舟已毁,死者无算。显进秩三等。

8、  Removed

9、 after joining, Sue, loose. Manages to make jiangbei, forced to see

10、chau, pan Xi pukou prevention. Show measuring thief to dun, pursuit to

11、Anton. Heat, wearing light clothing, rate, and four ride a thief fell

12、under the pure JiaGang. One thief out, chop. Vector with the horses,

13、pull out its arrowheads, shot dead after, to lure, to bite the dust.

14、Surrounding the thief out of tomorrow, destroy his boat. Thief fail at a

15、 ship, a ship has been destroyed, without counting the dead. Into the

16、rank third.

