
导读 大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。有关战争的诗词名句,有关战争的诗词很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、War Poem ...


1、War Poem 战争的英语诗词 (你不是要檄文吧 ?) MY SON HAS COME HOME 我的儿子回来了 作者 Daisy Santiago My son came home from war the other day, it seemed like forever; as though this day would never come. His body was whole, but his mind still wandered of memories; lost comrades who fought well; and gave their all; who gave their last breath; for country; for honor; for freedoms sake, so that we could partake of another day. Now we must remember and keep the memory of those left behind, still left to, fight; to stay alive. We honor the memory of those who died and gave their all, and pray for peace. Maybe one day wars will cease.。

